Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My myspace friends

I have 5 Myspace friends!!! And yes, Tom is my friend.

I think my newest addiction is Temp-tations bakeware from QVC. So far I have only bought 4 pieces, but I almost bought a few more until I remembered that I don't really like to use real dishes because I much prefer the ease of disposable aluminum pans. I have every intention of buying at least 4 or 5 more pieces, though. They look really nice sitting on top of my cupboard. Someday I'll post a picture of my new best friends. If you want see what it looks like, go to qvc.com and search for Santo Mauro.

I am taking off of work early on Friday and going to the MOA with my sister. And I get to wear jeans tomorrow and Thursday because I still have 2 United Way jeans days left. I did originally give one of them to ZarahZou, but since she left I decided that it doesn't count and I can reuse it. Allegedly we have a temp starting tomorrow to train for when knee-replacement-guy goes out on leave. I can not verify that because I heard it from someone in another department and not from my supervisor. They (meaning my supervisors) wouldn't bring someone new in and not tell the department, would they?

I am going to the Vikings game on Sunday with my sister. I hope they win. How awesome would it be to start the season 2-0???

Ok, off to finish the dishes.....

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

No fair! I get to take Baba to the doctor for shots on Friday. MOA sounds way more fun. Have fun with your sister and wearing jeans. I've had "jean's days" for the last couple weeks. Starting Thursday are scrubs days. Man, I look official.