Saturday, September 09, 2006

"Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament"

They (meaning the city workers) installed a couple of turn-abouts in our city, and I was driving Zalyssa and her friends around, and I decided to drive around in a circle until they got dizzy. It reminded me of the part in European Vacation where Chevy Chase gets stuck in the circle all day and keeps pointing out to the kids Big Ben and Parliament. That was funny.

Tomorrow I am picking my sister up at the airport. She is home from Iraq on r&r for two weeks. I haven't seen her in about a year. After the 2 weeks, she goes back there for another 6 months.

My house smells like bleach. But it is clean. Very. very clean. I spent about 5 hours cleaning today. I still have a little bit to do, but

I'm watching a cheesy lifetime movie, and the mom is making her son heart shaped french toast. Sweet, but what a waste of bread. I wonder what ZickyZou would say if I made him heart=shaped french toast. Would he even notice that they were shaped like hearts?

I bought a melon flavored Propel water. It is different, in a weird kind of way.

Ok, I am off to make pasketti sauce for dinner....

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