Friday, September 29, 2006

I know what I know!!

Okay, you do not have to believe me if I tell you a procedure for doing something. But it is incredibly rude that when you don't like my answer you ask someone else what you should when I can overhear. Especially when you are asking someone that has earned the nickname DUMBLEDORK!! FYI- he does not have a clue about anything. Do not ask him what the commission is for hail. Do not ask him who to contact to bind something. Do not ask him about AOR's. There is a good chance that I am listening in, and there is an even better chance that I am going to interrupt and tell him he is wrong right when everyone else can hear. I am not doing that to be mean, I am trying to make you understand that he is CLUELESS!! There is a very good chance that I know what I am talking about. If I don't know an answer, I will make a phone call or two and find out. Just because he is 127 years old and used to own his own agency and fought in the civil war does not make him an insurance God.

I miss Zarah Zou. I miss her helping me out when I am really busy. I miss not having to explain something 87 times. I miss her being able to understand simple instructions. And I especially miss that she had faith that I was giving her the right answer. Or else she pretended she did. And I also miss her not thinking that Neville and Voldy knew anything about anything,. She was smart enough to not ask either of them a procedural question because she knew that they wouldn't know the right answers. It really sucks working with people that have respect for Voldy and Neville. and having to make sure that I don't accidentally make any remarks about their incompetence.

Ok, enough about work. My items sold on ebay, and I made a profit of $54.25. They sold for $84.25! $30 investment, $54 profit! Too bad I have to split that with my photographer. Still, I am rich!!!

Ok, I am going to work on cleaning my house since the faucet-fixer people are coming (my dad and older brother) to fix my leaky bathtub.

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

First of all, you are rich! Let's do lunch. Second of all, I'm really sorry that I quit. I mean that. I really enjoyed working with you and you definetly know a heck of a lot more than Dumbledork or Volty or Neville or all three combined with their hands tied behind their backs. Anyway. I've got to go because no sleep makes me go crazy (don't mind if I do...AHHHHHH)