Wednesday, January 06, 2016

I ain't guilty, it's a musical transaction.....

So yesterday my hip started hurting, and I was thinking I may be going through another bout of bursitis. Or I'm just getting old. Either way I'm sure I need a hip replacement. This morning I was thinking about this song: 

One of the radio stations I listen to in the morning plays what they call the "first song of the day", and it's something older and not usually played on the radio. So when that song came on, it was like a sign. Because my hips don't lie.

I'm so glad it's Wednesday already. I need a weekend already. Monday and Tuesday I was all dressed up for work, heels and all, for no reason. Today I am wearing the equivalent of yoga pants and a t-shirt with polka dot socks. And I just looked at my calendar and I have a couple marketing reps coming in. Yay for good impressions! I need to plan better.

And this:

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