Thursday, January 07, 2016

There's a phrase that fits.....

So I didn't win the lottery last night. This is most unfortunate because I would make a spectacular socialite. C-C-W and I have plans to open a bar on the beach in Hawaii. And if I was a millionaire, the drinks would be ultra-cheap. There's a meme thing going around facebook asking God to give the person a chance to prove that winning the powerball wouldn't change them. But I ain't even going to lie - winning $500 million would definitely change me. Well, at least my lifestyle. I have big dreams of opening up a homeless shelter. And I would do that. From a white sand beach, of course. I would hook up a few of my favorite people. And get rid of a couple of my unfavorites.

I finished Empire and I can't wait for new episodes! It is a fantastic show. I started watching Finding Carter, an MTV show. It's okay, but I'm only 2 episodes in and not sure where it's going. I will give it a couple more episodes.

Side note to YOU: If I do not respond to your messages and I block you on multiple accounts, there is a very good chance I'm not interested in talking to you. Ever. I'm trying really hard to not be mean, but you don't really have a place in my life. I'm just not interested.

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