Tuesday, January 19, 2016

We make it harder than it has to be.....

So yesterday I gave The Princess her birthday present early because she was having such a bad day. I think I made her day better, although she started to cry because she was so happy. I'm glad she's so excited to see Fall Out Boy. And that's kind of a dumb band name. But what do I know, I don't have a band. And since they are bazillionaires, I guess they can name their band whatever they want.

Last night I pulled the rest of my soft, comfy sweaters out of storage. Not sure why I waited so long. But I didn't have a choice, it is either 56 degrees or 103 degrees in my office. No in between. I also found a couple pair of pants that fit. So yay for new clothes.

I spilled half my coffee in my car this morning. Because really, that's just how I roll. What kind of day would it be if I wasn't spilling stuff all over me??

I think this is my favorite Eagles song. But I'm not sure because I like so many. RIP Glenn Frey

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