Friday, March 23, 2018

In the midnight hour.....

It's Friday! I decided to sleep in an extra 45 minutes. In retrospect, that was sort of a bad idea. Because then I end up with 15 minutes to get ready. And it takes me that long just to wash my face. I left 5 minutes later than I intended, but it's Friday so I was still at work 45 minutes before I actually need to be here. I hope today flies by. I have a ton of work to do, so that should help.

Last night I pulled leftover enchiladas from the freezer for dinner. They reheat super good! Next time I make them, I'm going to make several extra pans. Because that was like the easiest dinner ever. I love easy.

I brought in the rest of my jar of JewelScent Calm Lavender aroma beads to put on my desk. They smell really good, and maybe they will make my office more relaxing. Either that, or I will spill them and end up on my hands and knees picking up tiny beads. We'll see.

Today's Lula is an Irma and Sarah with jeans. One of my favorite combo's.

Billy Idol - Rebel Yell

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

I love the Irma! Purple!