Monday, May 21, 2018

Pink ribbon scars that never forget.....

It's Monday! Yay! I had a pretty good weekend. I got a lot of netflix and movie watching in. I think watched at least 2 seasons of Covert Affairs. And at least 3 or 4 movies. That, in my opinion, is a very successful weekend. I didn't leave the house once. I also managed to finally wax my eyebrows. I've been putting it of for several weeks. I'm glad to cross that off the list.

ZarahZou joined Snapchat. This is very exciting to me, because now we can created a snap streak! The Princess and I are on 457 days, and I've got 41 days Franky. Now ZZ and I have 3 days. And a goal!

Today's Lula is a Perfect, a Cassie and a Lindsay

And this weekends Lula:

Smashing Pumpkins - Today

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

We always crush our goals and not because we have addictive personalities.