Friday, December 29, 2017

My seat's been taken by some sunglasses asking 'bout a scar....

FRIDAY!!! It's been a really long short week. I'm very glad for the 3 day weekend. Time to do laundry and rest and hopefully get rid of this stupid cough. And sleep. I need sleep. No matter what I take, the cough keeps waking me up. It seems to be lessening in intensity (knock on wood) and I bet a good 8-10 hours straight of sleep would most definitely help!

On Christmas I won this adorable Hawaiian picture frame playing the dice game. As a bonus, it smells delicious! It's floral scented! So last night I went through my big box of pictures looking for one of me and the Princess to put into it. But I couldn't find one. I have no recent printed pictures. So I settled for this one of her and 2 of her aunts until the next time I order from Snapfish or something.

Today's Lula is a Randy with jeans. Comfortable and boring!

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

I like your picture frame and dedication to LLR. I look in my closet and see cute things but warm things always win.