Saturday, August 05, 2006

I like Walgreens!!

I do like Walgreens. But I have never considered becoming a Walgreens groupie. My latest drive past the Anoka Walgreens has me rethinking that. I spent a good 3 or 4 minutes wondering why they felt they needed to be so self-promoting. The sign in front of their store says "WE HAVE FANS!!" I really did think to myself "Do they think they're the Twins or something". Then I finally realized that the purpose of their sign is that they are selling items that blow/circulate air. I always catch on to things, sometimes it just takes me a few days.

I have to clean my house today. I am going to leave it sparkling for ZickyZou just to see what it's like when I get home. I would hope it is just as sparkly.

I am reading a book called "Lifes Little Emergencies" by the supermodel Emme. She's a plus size supermodel, and the "self-help" book is really big on being happy no matter who/what size you are. She has made lots of good points so far, and it is actually pretty interesting. Except she named her daughter Toby. Toby strikes me more as a name for a puppy and not a little girl. But what do I know?

I have so much to do today. Sweep, mop, toilets, laundry. It seems to multiply. Later....

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