Sunday, August 06, 2006

We're off to see the Wizard....

Well, not the Wizard exactly, but we are off to Wisconsin. In just an hour an a half I will be in a car with two teenage girls for what will probably feel like 17 hours, but in reality will be only 5. That's okay, though, because we are going to have fun. (I hope)

I had a dream last night about going to a softball game to play. I found a new way to get to the field. Everyone wanted to hear the directions. I would not share. Am I going through softball withdrawal?

My sister called me to have my 3 year old nephew explain what echoes are. He obviously got some of the genius genes from me.

I should probably go and put in my contacts and wash my face and maybe put on real clothes. Or I could continue to spend quality time with my computer. Which one???

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

Have fun! Watch out for cheeseheads and teenage daughters. Actually, watch out for teenage boys that are after your teenage daughter.