Saturday, August 12, 2006

Yum, mayonnaise and jello....

For the family picnic tomorrow, I decided to make two different recipes. One is a tuna salad made with red and green peppers instead of peas. MissZalyssa doesn't like peas, so she suggested peppers instead. The salad turned out EXCELLENT!! The second dish is a lime jello salad that is made with cream cheese and mayo. Weird! But I tried it and it is actually okay. And it gave me a chance to use the most excellent stand mixer that ZarahZou gave me. I got to use it for a whole 7 minutes because I had to beat the cream cheese for 5 and then add a tablespoon of mayo and beat for 2 more. I like it! it makes me feel like a professional chef, as every professional chef makes lime jello salad.

Tonight for dinner I am going all out and making steaks, baked potatoes and a salad. ZickyZou is at work now, but he should be home in a couple of hours or so. Then I shall start cooking. Last night we were trying to have a romantic night together with Champaign , but we were both rather giggly and couldn't stop saying "Gazpacho". It was silly, and we did have a good night, just not romantic, more fun. I guess we could have the rest of the Champaign with dinner tonight.

My cell phone battery is about to die, but the dear MissZalyssa took my charger to her dad's. Whatever am I going to without a phone? I guess I could go throw it on the car charger. But who would call me anyway? The only people that have the number are MissZalyssa, my parents, ZarahZou, and the Star Tribune. They keep calling and offering me deals on the paper. Their current offer was (I get Wed-Sun right now) all 7 days for 75 cents less than I am paying now. Why are they giving away the paper? Oh, well. I accepted because ZickyZou really likes reading the paper.

Ok, off to wash my face and change my clothes and drool over the steak in the fridge. If I set it on the counter right now, it will be just warm enough to serve for dinner. We both like it rare, but warm.

1 comment:

Gaft Girl said...

You should get a cow and let said cow graze in your backyard/sideyard, what have you until the next time you want "rare" steaks. Then, go outside with your steak knife and ketchup and chop away. As rare as rare gets.