Saturday, August 19, 2006


I have just finished switching my clothing over to "Huggable Hangers". These are the slickest, most awesome invention ever. They take up so much less room, and clothes don't slip off of them. Except I only bought 150, and I need about that many more to complete the conversion. I switched all of ZickyZou's clothing over to my old plastic hangers. His clothes were on WIRE HANGERS!!! So now I have 3 stupid bags of wire hangers. What do I do with them?

On a happier note, I discovered some wonderful clothing in his closet that will be perfect for me to wear in the fall. Fun sweaters and long-sleeve t-shirts that will fit perfectly except for being a little too big. Since we are practically married, they are practically mine, right? Plus, I am certain he would want me to wear them. And he probably doesn't even know he has them. He has some super-cute Abercrombie sweaters that will be perfect with khaki pants. I can't wait for cooler weather.

If you need something to do, go to and send a postcard to a soldier to thank them for serving. You can't choose who it goes to, but I would guess that any soldier that gets a thank you card will appreciate it. And it only takes about 15 seconds.

I went to Target to get toilet paper, contact solution, and milk. It cost $65. Yikes! At least we'll have toilet paper for two weeks.

I've got to finish our bedroom before ZickyZou gets home from work. I am giving him two or three of my dresser drawers and am moving my unmentionables into the cutest little Joy Mangano canvas dresser that I got in one of my Huggable Hangers kits. That will eliminate the need for him to continue living out of a laundry basket. We just don't seem to have enough room for my clothes. So, that's where I'm off to.....

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