Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Is this a resurrection??

I'm not sure what led me back to my blog, but I realized that I really missed writing. Maybe I needed a 5 year hiatus to realize that even if I have nothing to say, I still want to say it. And even if nobody reads it, it still needs to be said. I think I needed to realize that its okay to write for just me. Its okay to do a lot of things for just me. I need to be the most important person to me.

I think I'm finally at a really good place in life. I have terrific friends, a semi-clean house, 9000 lip glosses..... I've accomplished a lot of things in the past several years that I did not think were possible. I ran a couple 5k's, I designed and sewed a dress by hand, I donated a large portion of my literary library, I'm a year and a half away from having all my credit card debt paid off, and finally I've swooned. I didn't think swooning was even really a thing. But it happened. The circumstances are irrelevant to this blog, but it happened.

So now the question is if blogging will again become a regular thing? And I just don't know. I would like it to. It would be nice to have an account of just the day to day stuff. So, I guess we shall see!

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