Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Sundae

The clock just turned over to Sunday, and I would kill for some ice cream! I am starting a new healthy eating plan, and ice cream is not on the menu. Pants that fit or ice cream? No one should have to make such a hard choice! For dinner tonight I had brown rice, pork roast and 182 pounds of broccoli. With no butter on it. But then I had a bottle of wine. This is going to be a process!

Well, I dropped to 7th place in my bracket tourney. While disappointing, there is still lots of basketball left to be played!!

I started watching Parks & Rec on Netflix. It is absolutely hilarious. I tried to watch it before, but I couldn't get into it. I'm so glad I tried again.

Someone just posted this on Facebook, and it is very fitting for how I am feeling right now. I'm a little bit tipsy from that bottle of wine, and need to remind myself that no good will come from thinking with my heart. I need to be guided by my genius level IQ. Sometimes I wonder how I can be so smart but so dang dumb at the same time?

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