Monday, October 26, 2015

You're waiting for someone to push you away....

Another Monday. I had a pretty good weekend. I finished nearly all of my laundry. Friday night baby Layla came over to play for several hours. Well, she doesn't actually play yet, but she laughs when I talk to her. and she listens to all of my chatter. Saturday afternoon I babysit her for a while and then when her mom got off work, C hung out with the princess while me and Layla played more. She is just the best baby ever. Well, my baby was the best baby ever. But Layla is definitely second.

I went over to my dads house to watch the Vikings game. As has been the tradition, I brought lunch. The game started out to be really stress-inducing. For a minute I thought we might not win. But then my team came back with a strong second half. Skol!

After the game I stopped at the Goodwill and found the last piece to my Halloween costume. Well, actually Ggg has a couple of important pieces but I am getting them tonight. I hope my costume works out. I haven't gone out for Halloween in like forever. I also found an awesome winter jacket for $12.99. I'm super excited about that.

I'm wearing my Old Navy clearance dress score today. And boots. As much as I hate wearing socks, I love wearing boots. I'm so excited to wear my new purple ones to the Vikings game. I kind of want to wear them other times, but they are so very purple.

Dinner tonight with Ggg. We haven't done dinner in months.

I'm really sad about Flip Saunders. I had some (probably misguided) hope that he would come back and coach the Gophers. He was my long-shot dream coach. He always seemed like such a nice guy. Prayers to his family.

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