Wednesday, December 16, 2015

And heart to heart you'll win.....

It snowed last night so the roads are wet and icky. Note to the car behind me: it defies common sense to expect that I can drive faster than the car in front of me. I am in the right lane, and there is exactly 1.5 car lengths between me and the car in front of me. I can not possibly go faster. I can't. So maybe switch lanes and go around me??

I heard a Trader Joe's commercial this morning trying to sell blue cheese. Note to trader Joe's: talking about how you inject it with penicillium 138 and 147 and then coat it with black wax and pierce it does not make it sound at all appealing. Maybe try to sell it based on taste and not on the chemically-sounding virtues. Just a thought.

The 4th season of Hart of Dixie is on Netflix. I can't wait to watch it this weekend. It's not that it's even that good of a show, but it is totally mindless. And I could use totally mindless.
Oh, and this:

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