Thursday, December 24, 2015

the longer I live the more I believe....

I really tried to sleep in this morning. But I've been up for about an hour. And I even stayed up until 11:30 watching Once Upon a Time. Maybe a nap later!

There's this app game I've been playing for a few years called Wordament. You play live against real people, 2 minute rounds and try to make as many words as you can. The highest number of people I've ever seen playing is about 1700. People from all over the world play. A coworker just asked me if I played because she saw my name on the scoreboard. It's just so weird that she plays too when only about 1000 people in the whole universe are playing at one time. Anyhow, it's one of my favorite games. And it's such a small world!

We went over to ggg's last night to pick up the Princesses phone case. She accidentally had it shipped there. Because sometimes eBay sucks and before you even know it happened, you've set up shipping to the wrong address. Anyhow, we did the Christmas present thing, and she absolutely flipped out over what he got her. She was so excited about a pair of Freddy Krueger socks. They are so weird, and so totally her. She talked about them the whole way home. And she also loved the Amazon fire stick thingy. And she was so excited that he picked out a movie she loves. Her and I saw it in the theater when it first came out and it scared me a little bit. She so loves horror movies. He honestly got her the best presents ever. But it's not the presents, it's that they are so perfectly her.

Ggg got me a Vikings scarf, which I love. But even more so I love that it is a truly thoughtful gift. Those are the kinds of things that are so meaningful. Someone taking the time to think about it, that's a gift that no amount of money can buy. I so appreciate him.

I think he liked his presents. Alyssa got him a shirt that so makes me lol. It's a beer mug plus a football that equals a thumbs up. And thumbs up make me giggle for some reason.

It's too early to start my day, but too late to go back to sleep. Merry Christmas Eve to me! Lol

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