Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find....

Let's summarize today in bulletpoints:

1. I went to bed at 5 pm and ended up getting a total of 37 minutes of sleep. Every time I would fall asleep I would wake myself up coughing.
2. I have too much work to do to call in sick.
3. Life is not fair, and it is never going to be fair. So sometimes you just gotta say whatevs and suck it up.
4. It's dumb to cry over spilled milk because at the end of your crying jag, you still have milk to clean up.
5. Sometimes the little, seemingly meaningless things hurt more than the big things. But then you just have to put on your big girl panties and deal with it.
6. I was once again reminded why C-C-W is the very best friend I've ever had in my entire life. I'm pretty sure I don't deserve to have such a wonderful friend. Thank you for being the solution to my problem and for making me both laugh and cry!!! It's nice to cry over good things for a change. I love you more than can be conveyed with words.


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