Thursday, September 17, 2015

A guy like you should wear a warning.....

My allergies suck today. Actually they have been bad this whole week. And its pouring out so I'm dripping wet. And not in a good way. At least tomorrow is Friday.

So I am totally in love with this website I found. It's a site where you can write and publish anonymously. I'm not saying what the website is, as that would defeat the purpose of anonymous. It's nice to have an outlet where I can say anything and not have my name attached. I mean, I can and do say just about anything in my blog, but some thoughts should remain private. And this allows me the writing outlet I so desperately need without having to be accountable for my feelings at the current time. and so many of the postings are so similar to what I want to say. Please don't go looking for the website. Please.

Yesterday on the way home I saw this guy driving in the lane next to me and I just knew that he was going to cause an accident. He was stopping way to close to the car in front of him. About 3 minutes after I had that thought, his car drifted into the next lane and he rammed into a car. Thankfully we were not going fast enough for anyone to get hurt and there was only minimal damage to both cars. But seeing things like that is kinda scary.

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