Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Distant eyes, Promises we made were in vain.....

So I am playing this: http://startribune.profootball.upickem.net/profootball/registration/login.asp  for the like 7th year in a row. I had a really bad first couple of weeks.Week one I went 10/16 and last week I was 8/16. For week 3 I went 15/16. Finally a good week!! Maybe I can make a comeback???
p.s. It is so hard to pick the Packers to win....

My closet is all completed. Mostly. I still have some clean up to do. I have a huge stack of stuff to donate piled up. But all of my clothes are in my closet. And I have a lot of clothes.....At least for once everything in my closet fits me. Today I am wearing a pair of capri pants that have not fit since like 2010. Now I just need to quit buying clothes. And it has been months since I've bought anything new. I may have this shopping thing under control!! Plus, I don't really need any clothes. Except a Bridgewater jersey. That is going to be my next purchase. And I need to start shopping for Christmas. Its going to be challenging since I do not want to get Alyssa any clothes. She doesn't need any, either. and usually thats my default present since it's easy.

So last night I found a box in the bottom of my closet that I completely forget about. It contained every single card I got at my baby shower over 23 years ago. I really can't believe I saved them all. And I found Alyssa's baby book.  It also had my diary from when I was 15 and 16 in it. It was bittersweet to read through it. So many happy times, and so much sadness. But I can read it and be happy about all the good memories. And there were many.


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