Thursday, July 23, 2015

But at least I'm enjoying the ride, at least I'll enjoy the ride......

It is way too beautiful of a day to be cranky, so I am deciding to be in a good mood. But before that good mood starts, I will say this - there are 3 possible excuses I could accept for not doing your dishes: your hands got cut off, the house is on fire, or you're dead. I would possibly accept a zombie apocalypse, but only if we are abandoning the house. The good news is that your dishes will still be there when you wake up. And if not done, they will be waiting for you when you get home from work tonight. There, I'm done with that. Now to  move on to happier things!

The weather is absolutely perfect out. Why can't it always be like this? I went to bed at 8:30 and slept through the night. It was fantastic!

C-C-W and I are going to see Margaret Cho in October. She's hilarious. This should be fun! The last stand up person I saw was Kathy Griffin, and that was several years ago. Plus I love hanging out with C, we always have such a good time. I need to get her to commit to a date to celebrate her birthday. I'm not entirely sure what the plan is, but it will likely involve lots of alcohol and singing. Because that's what we do best!

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