Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Our old friend fear and you and me....

Wednesday! I have never been so glad to reach the middle of the week! I've already been at work for half an hour. I woke up without my alarm clock, probably because I was sleeping by 8:30.

It's weigh -in day. I'm even from last week. And I'm actually pretty happy with that since I've had to take a break from the treadmill. I think I have this plantar fasciitis thing under control. A few days away from the treadmill and lots of ice, and it seems to be going away. Fingers crossed!!

I burned my thumb on the curling iron this morning. I knew I should have used the straightener. And you would think that after having curled my hair for almost 30 years I would have the hang of it by now.

So far this morning I have used pen and paper, a calculator and algebra. Its way too early to be doing math.  Actually, if I'm being honest, I enjoy it. Hand rating insurance pricing requires extreme problem solving skills. Its a pain, but I really like math. Because I am just THAT girl.

Its a jeans day today. I remember back when I first started here the dress code was "professional" and I had to wear suits and skirts. The only jeans days were the one week a year we could buy for the United Way fundraiser. We went to a "business casual" dress code 7 or 8 years ago. I got to throw away all of my pantyhose and suits. We still couldn't wear jeans, but we could wear capri pants in the summer- which we couldn't do under the professional dress code.

With a change in upper management, we now get a ton of jeans days. Its fantastic. And now that I have jeans that actually fit well, its even better. You really can't appreciate wearing jeans until you have worn a skirt suit, nylons and heels. And that was when I was in a clerical position putting away files. Now I have my own office and I can wear jeans!!

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