Saturday, July 04, 2015

Straddle the line in discord and rhyme.....

I was driving in the car with the Princess yesterday and she asked to play her music instead of having to listen to me sing with whatever awesome 70's or 80's song I was listening to. When she put on Duran Duran, I was so excited! Her music tastes have certainly evolved from the days of her Screamo phase. I'm glad we can both FINALLY enjoy listening to music in the car together!

I safely deposited her at her dad's for the weekend, and I got to meet his cute little dog. Anyone that knows me knows that I am generally not a fan of pets. I don't get all emotional and gooey at the sight of a puppy or kitten. I tolerate Tabby Wabby the same way she tolerates me. I do not hate pets. And I am certainly never, ever mean to them. But the point I was getting to is that his little doggy is actually rather adorable. This may actually be a first for me. Have I ever called a dog adorable before? What is happening to me????

I spent all of yesterday doing an insurance course on workers comp. It was one of the most boring experiences of my life. Obviously when I took the exam I got 100%. Which just reinforces what a waste of time it was. I already know everything, why spend a full day being bored out of my mind? Today I am doing an ethics course and maybe flood. I haven't decided because there are so many option to choose from and they all sound just as exciting as 8 hours of reading about workers comp.

So when I finished last night, I decided I needed a break and I watched Titanic. I don't think I've watched it in its entirety since I saw it in the theater when it first came out. The first I saw it, it was truly epic. This time, I was bored.

Okay, back to ethics. Maybe I will actually learn something......

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