Thursday, July 02, 2015

I got a feeling I'm not the only one.....

It's one of those fantastic Thursdays that double as a Friday! I am so ready for a 3 day weekend followed by a 4 day workweek and then a 4 day weekend! And so much to look forward to over the next week. Rollerskating, my birthday, my birthday party.....And my manager just texted me that he is bringing me coffee. Could a greater thing happen today?

C-C-W has requested that I no longer refer to my baby daddy as "baby daddy". So out of respect for her, we've found him a new nickname. Originally it was "Gregg with 3 g's", but that's just cumbersome.So he is officially just ggg. Which is actually kind of our best nickname creation ever. Because it makes us both giggle for some reason. I'm so fortunate to have friends that make me laugh so much!

Ggg and I are, dare I say, becoming actual friends. That's something we have not really been in 20 years. I mean, for the most part we were friendly. But not actual friends. We had a common goal, raising our daughter successfully. And there were a few fights and disagreements along the way. But now that she is an adult, we can actually talk (and laugh) without it coming down to parenting decisions and money.

I hope he realizes how thankful I am for the most precious gift I've ever gotten. I've had more wonderful in my life than I probably deserve. We have the best, most kindhearted daughter ever. I would not change anything. Things worked out exactly as they should have. And if we can now be friends, that is just a phenomenal bonus. To say I'm blessed would really understate it.

Today our manager is taking the dept out to lunch to celebrate writing $2.1 million in new premium through June. To put that in perspective, in all of 2014 our new business premium was $2.4 million. We are on track to nearly double that. I wish I could take more credit for it, but my focus has been on personal lines and bonds, with a little bit of work comp mixed in. I sell plenty of accounts, but my average account premium is about $750. Although, I did start the year writing a huge $150,000 account. Because I'm pretty much awesome.

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