Friday, August 28, 2015

The world outside looks so unkind............

Friday!! My third favorite day of the week. I like Saturday and Sunday more, but Friday will do!!!  And I'm leaving at 11:30 to taste test frozen yogurt. $25 for half an hour of eating- could anything be better?? I've tried to get the Princess to do taste tests, but apparently signing up on the website is too hard or something???

So in my favorite movie, The Stand, there is a scene where Mother Abigail makes a huge dinner and everyone is sitting around the picnic table discussing if they are going to move on to Col-oh-ray-do. Ralph is reading Nick Andros' note to Mother Abigail and it says that Nick doesn't believe in Mother Abigail's God. Mother Abigail starts laughing and says "God bless ya, Nick! But it don't matter! He believes in you."

I guess that's where I'm at right now. It doesn't matter how anyone feels about me or towards me, because that doesn't change how or what I feel. And that is so true in so many circumstances right now. And The Stand is the ultimate metaphor for life. So many circumstances can be summed up by a quote from this movie. 

Lucy Swann, after hearing that Larry sacrificed himself in Las Vegas: "He's gone… but I'll have his baby. Maybe… it's not all I wanted, or all I dreamed of having… but it'll have to be enough." And Glen Bateman: "It's the old way. And the old way was a death trip." 

Anyhow, I'm thinking I need to watch the movie again soon. Something about good and evil meeting up for a showdown and good winning, well I can never see that too much. And maybe I just need to quit thinking and overthinking and rethinking and just go with the flow.

Yes, I'm recycling songs. But I love this song so very much.

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