Thursday, August 13, 2015

Words are sometimes hard to find....

It's the day before Friday! So glad about that. I shut off my alarm clock and slept in until 6:30. It was fantastic. I was feeling a bit blah, but on the drive to work I saw the most beautiful, vivid rainbow. That really made it all worth it. I wouldn't have seen that at 6 am.

Last night I tried on about 20 pairs of pants. And I found a couple that actually fit. This makes me very excited! I also decided that I am getting rid of half my clothes. Yes, half. That is going to be hard, but so worth it. So, that is my project for this weekend.

I'm really enjoying my life right now. Well, most parts of it. And the parts I'm enjoying are fantastic. I can't recall being this happy in forever. Thank you to the people who have contributed to that. You'll never understand how much I appreciate having you in my life. I can tell you, but the words are just not enough.
And a side of Sabotage:

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