Thursday, June 25, 2015

But if you're willin' to play the game....

Another Thursday.....this week is flying by! Maybe because I've been so busy at work. Last night I really did not want to go on the treadmill. But I did anyway, and I 'm so glad I did. Sometimes it's frustrating to realize how far I have left to go. But then other times, I look at my progress and know I'm slowly chipping away at my goal. I'm actually halfway there. So, I can most definitely do it!

I spent a couple hours texting with my baby daddy last night. I don't think we've ever actually talked-talked before last night. Ever. We were together for 3 years starting when I was 15. That was so long ago. And we were both kids. And since then its been mostly pleasantries and small talk with a few fights thrown in. We've both really grown up in the past 20 years. And he's going through something and I'm more than happy to be a sounding board. Although I did advise him to not ever take advice from me, as I'm the queen of bad decisions!

Anyhow, I made him laugh and definitely threw him for a loop with how much I've changed. He assumed I was still sweet, naive and innocent. haha! He was so wrong! I've really stopped caring what people think of me. And I'm not afraid to say anything. I like who I am, and I know that despite a few questionable choices, I am a very good person who just wants to help people and make people happy.

I have this huge stack of paperwork to sort through. And 12,000,000 emails. But I'm just going to take them all one at a time. Because really, that's always the best plan!

So don't mind if I fall apart, there's more room in a broken heart....

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