Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I’m sitting pretty in my brand new scars and......

It's Wednesday and I think it might rain. But I guess that's okay since I'm trapped in  my windowless office for the day. Actually, there is a window. But the view is a hallway. At least I have my own HUGE office, right?? I'm still not sure I deserve it, but after spending my entire working career in a cube, I appreciate a door I can close and more desk space than I know what to do with!

I'm still waiting for my sister to get back to me on what she is planning for Fathers Day. If I had known it would be this difficult to get her to commit to something I would have just planned it myself.

Tonight I am going to a taste test for something. Not sure what. All I know is that it pays $35 and I love doing taste tests. But I don't know how to calculate Weight Watchers points for sample servings. I will just have to be extra careful the rest of the week and not use my weekly points.

I'm not sure if I have ever even listened to a Panic! At The Disco song before. But I am in love with Hallelujah, it is the perfect song!

The best youtube comment ever happened on this song:
"I want to make this song into a human so I can take it to Vegas and marry it"

1 comment:

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