Sunday, April 05, 2015

I like to see you, but then again....

Easter morning.....for the first time in 23 years, I did not buy the Princess an Easter basket. I'm just not feeling holiday-y. I did, however, give her some money and drop her off at the mall. So, same difference really.

It just seems like I keep playing games that I can't possibly win. Why do I do that to myself? Every time I think I have everything all worked out, I break a nail or step on a lego and it all implodes. Shouldn't the second rule of Fight Club be to never engage in a battle that you can't win? Why would you purposely choose to take on a fight that can only end with a loss? I just want to be able to think logically. But for some reason I can't.

In a couple of hours I am going over to my sisters for Easter dinner. I have no idea what she is making, but I'm bringing potato salad. I used my moms "recipe" but it is not nearly the same as when she used to make it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I really wish I could ask her.

Tomorrow night, C-C-W and I start yoga. I'm very excited. I've never done an organized exercise class, so this will be very new to me. And I have a purple yoga mat!! I think this is going to be so much fun! And I get to hang out with C-C-W, and she is fantastic!

I'm performing a concert for Tabby-Wabby, and she seems to be okay with today's music. I am listening to my most favoritest song ever. There are very few songs I can listen to 100 times in a row, but this is one.
I am still wondering why it keeps getting deleted from youtube, but the rest of the songs from the same album don't. Anyhow, the is the most painful, most inspirational, most positive, most everything song I have ever heard. Sometimes it makes me sad, and sometimes it makes me so hopeful. Today it's a little of both. I reflect on all I've lost, but I know that something better is around the corner. And even if I never figure it out, I can still live in this very moment.

That doesn't mean you mean that much to me

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