Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Wanna be impulsive... reckless....

Last night was my first ever yoga class. Aside from being a sweaty mess, I think it went well. I am not very flexible, but I think I might get there someday. And I only almost fell over once! I'm thinking I will definitely go back next week.

So the Princess decided she is moving to California with her girlfriend at the end of summer. This leaves me with two overwhelming thoughts. 1) My baby is leaving me! She's just a kid and what am I going to do without her around and what is she going to do without her mommy and I will miss her terribly. 2) This is probably the best thing for her. She is 23 years old and needs to see what the real world is like. This will be a good wake up call for her. BUT SHE'S MY BABY!! The moment she leaves is going to be the most gut-wrenching, proudest moment of my entire life. I think it's good that she will be relinquishing her dependence on me. But I am going to miss her so very much. And maybe she will change her mind and stay!!

I have a pedi appointment on Friday with ZammyZou. Can you ever really have too many pedicures? Plus I have the day off. Maybe I will go tanning and shopping and possibly switch over to my spring clothes. It is spring, right?

I do not like coming into work and having 12 voice mails. Voice mails scare me, I'm always afraid that I screwed something up. Although the likelihood of that is small, it has maybe happened once or twice.

It's 7:00 in the morning, and I think I may already need a nap!! I bet it's going to be a long day!

.....and lose myself in your kiss.

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