Wednesday, April 29, 2015

If home is where the heart is, Then my home is where you are

It's Wednesday! My allergies have been so terrible the past couple days. I think that's why I love winter so much, less allergy symptoms!

I love the people who have posted the entire Relient K MMHMM album on youtube! I could listen to it over and over and over. The songs are so catchy and the lyrics are so meaningful. I think they wrote some of the songs for me personally!! I actually bought 2 copies of the CD because I was so afraid of something happening to one of them. This is the only CD I can say that about!!

My husband told me I could get a new dryer, although I'm not exactly sure I was asking permission. And actually his response was "do what you want to do, you're going to anyway". And that's probably true. But we do need a new dryer. I've been hanging up all our laundry, but it gets all crunchy.

So I'm playing Trivia Crack and I love when I get a string of super easy questions. Which book includes Genesis and Exodus? Too easy! I like winning!

But it's getting, oh, so hard
To spend these days without my heart

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