Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Don't put another dime in the jukebox.....

I am so excited to be wearing sandals today!! Now I'm wondering when I can wear capri's. Soon, I hope! I am ready to switch my clothes over to summery stuff. And I need to start tanning so I can wear skirts and dresses. And I have to try on every single pair of my sandals!!!

I'm trying to decide what my musical theme of the day will be as I sort through a mountain of paperwork that may very well cause my desk to collapse. I've sort of been leaning towards old country love songs, but I feel like I want something just a little more upbeat than that. 

So Sunday is Easter, and we are having dinner at my sisters. But she still hasn't told me what I am supposed to bring. I'd bet a million dollars that she tells me on Saturday night at 8:00 that I'm supposed to be bringing some elaborate concoction that I don't have any of the ingredients for, and that if I don't bring it, dinner, and Easter, and even life, will be ruined for everyone. Might as well cancel the holiday. 

What's the worst that could happen if I just don't want to check my work voice mail today? I would rather just take some cheesy facebook quizzes to find out which flower my personality is most associated with.

.......I don't wanna hear that song no more

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